So the referee missed FOUR clear penalties? And didn’t let Ballack take the shot at the end? It’s pretty conclusive that Barcelona bought the referee. And during this game Messi tried to get Lampard sent off by urging Lampard to fight with him.
not really. Barcelona couldn’t do anything for the choises of the Referees! It’s their job to be objective and they made not good decissions, but remember: Chelsea was in the lead all the time, so referees have a tendency to not give a penalty for the leading team. This one was painfull to watch because Chelsea didn’t play any kind of football. They played the ” get that shit out of our half ” football, i understand why they did that but still it hurt to see the much better team loose.
barcelona is best team. chelsea played defensive game
eh of of chelsies fans tell this was defensive game. drogba is now in shanghai he is not chelsie now
Because it was revenge for 2009 CL.
Arunashish Sarkar
Watch this…
“Chelsea FC…!!! The Road To Munich Glory… Champions League Winners 2011/2012…”
this loose was vey hurtful,chelsea played awfull, im sorry for chelsea fans but this is not playin’ football,how can you enjoy a victory like this, fuck you
when it was 2-0 to barca i was guna cry. then ramires scored and i went crazy. messi got that penalty and missed i was so happy. torres with the equalizer and and the win i went insane. I love the blues!
how come they lost to real madrid and how come they lost to 10 MEN CHELSEA, chelsea won now go and lick your dogs ass
What a goal? all he had to do was beat the keeper, now anyone to call beating just a keeper a good goal abviously means that the player who scored cant score for shit! Chelsea got very lucky the 2 games they played with Barca, with Drogba falling several times, to make that added time for him to score in…
気を付けろ 詐欺コメにとてつもない異臭がする
Baselrona kak
So the referee missed FOUR clear penalties? And didn’t let Ballack take the shot at the end? It’s pretty conclusive that Barcelona bought the referee. And during this game Messi tried to get Lampard sent off by urging Lampard to fight with him.
not really. Barcelona couldn’t do anything for the choises of the Referees! It’s their job to be objective and they made not good decissions, but remember: Chelsea was in the lead all the time, so referees have a tendency to not give a penalty for the leading team. This one was painfull to watch because Chelsea didn’t play any kind of football. They played the ” get that shit out of our half ” football, i understand why they did that but still it hurt to see the much better team loose.
barcelona is best team. chelsea played defensive game
eh of of chelsies fans tell this was defensive game. drogba is now in shanghai he is not chelsie now
Because it was revenge for 2009 CL.
Watch this…
“Chelsea FC…!!! The Road To Munich Glory… Champions League Winners 2011/2012…”
◆◇◆ 生活が苦しい方、訳がありお金に困っている方など…見て頂ければ幸いです。今現在、私には「100,000,000円」以上の資産が御座います。ですが私は癌で余命宣告を受けております。子供や親族も一切おりません…この「100,000,000円」を受け取りたいという方がいましたら、出来る限りお早めにご連絡を頂きたいと思います。大金が不安な方は少額でも構いません。youtubeですとルール違反となり連絡が途絶えてしまうので、こちらのブログサイトよりご連絡下さい。制限などありませんのでスムーズにお話しが進められると思います→ /
this loose was vey hurtful,chelsea played awfull, im sorry for chelsea fans but this is not playin’ football,how can you enjoy a victory like this, fuck you
■読んで頂ければ幸いです…■実は宝くじで2億円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日お譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額をと考えてます。Youtubeでこの様なお話をすると強制退会になりメールが途切れてしまう恐れがあります。そこで制限が無いブログのサイトを見付けたのでお受け取りになられたい方だけそちらからご連絡を頂ければと思います。ブログ /
game glitches…..
Chelsea is the beast Fcb had no change
■読んで頂ければ幸いです…■実は宝くじで2億円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日お譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額をと考えてます。Youtubeでこの様なお話をすると強制退会になりメールが途切れてしまう恐れがあります。そこで制限が無いブログのサイトを見付けたのでお受け取りになられたい方だけそちらからご連絡を頂ければと思います。ブログ /
▼ 宝くじで200,000,000円当選してしまいました…!! ▼ 貴重なスペースにこの様なお話をすみません…。単刀直入に申しますと、この当選金をお譲りしようと思っています。既にお受け取りになられた方もいるのですが、少額でのお渡しが多かったため、まだ結構な額が残っているのです…Youtubeですと違反行為になってしまい、連絡が途絶えてしまう可能性があります…。そこで制限などが無いブログサイトを見付けたので、お受け取りになられたい方はそちらからご連絡下さい。ブログサイト→ / 金額はお任せします。御遠慮なさらずに、お気軽に仰って下さい。
when it was 2-0 to barca i was guna cry. then ramires scored and i went crazy. messi got that penalty and missed i was so happy. torres with the equalizer and and the win i went insane. I love the blues!
◆◇◆貴重なスペースに申し訳ございません…。見て頂けましたら嬉しいです。◆◇◆ 実は宝くじで1等の200,000,000円当選したのですが、使い道に困っています…。そこで、この宝くじの当選金を差し上げたいと思います。既にお受け取りになられた方もいます。寄付もしましたが、まだ結構な額が残っているのです…。Youtubeですと規約違反となり連絡が途中で途絶えてしまう恐れがあります。そこで制限などが無いブログのサイトを見付けたので受け取りたいという方はそちらからご連絡ください。金額はお任せします。限りがあるのでご理解ください。ブログ→ /
how come they lost to real madrid and how come they lost to 10 MEN CHELSEA, chelsea won now go and lick your dogs ass
What a goal? all he had to do was beat the keeper, now anyone to call beating just a keeper a good goal abviously means that the player who scored cant score for shit! Chelsea got very lucky the 2 games they played with Barca, with Drogba falling several times, to make that added time for him to score in…
唐突な内容ですみません。お好きな額で構いません、幾らでも良いのでお引き取り頂けませんか?ブログ→ / ブログの内容は拝見された方、お気軽にご連絡下さい。私は余命宣告を受け、身体の自由が利かないほどです。このお金を幸せの《掛け橋》として使って頂ける方を探しております。勿論、純粋に、真剣に、お金を欲しいと仰って頂けるなら、『今直ぐにでもお渡し出来ます』ブログ→ /
Barcelona is STILL the best team. VIVA BARCELONA <3
Terminator II – by director James Cameron.
0.52 Look at Sergio Busquet, he was literally belly up. K.O.